Update March 26, 2018:
The Hearthkeeper staff position for Olympia Friends Meeting has been filled. Thanks.
February 24, 2018
At our last Meeting for Business, the Meeting agreed to create a new part-time staff position called Hearthkeeper. A four-page description of the position and how to apply is linked below as a PDF document.
It is hoped to have the new Hearthkeeper begin work April 2nd. Initially, we are announcing this among f/Friends until March 11.
Deadline for in-house applications: received by noon, Sunday March 10. After that time, depending upon the response, the position may be advertised more broadly.
Here is the description of the position and how to apply: OlympiaFriendsMeeting-Hearthkeeper-job-description-and-how-to-apply-2018 (PDF format)