Nominating Committee Survey ~ November 2021

Dear Olympia Friends,

This survey (below) arises from the request by Meeting for Business in August that the Nominating Committee should lead our meeting in exploring opportunities for change in our committee structure.  We view this as an opportunity to explore our needs around getting tasks completed and decision making done in ways that may be more suitable to our condition. 

Your input is very important to this work, and we greatly appreciate your time and thoughtful consideration.

Thank you for your response.

The Nominating Committee:
Karma Arslanian (Clerk), Sam Merrill, Kathleen O’Shaunessy,
Judith Bouffiou, Susan Davenport, Rose Kellogg


Note: Your responses can be longer than the space shown. You can keep typing, or type in a different document and copy and paste it into the space in this form.